Sunday, April 5, 2009


We're on Twitter!  Check out  Have a great day!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Label Mania!!

Happy 2009!  I hope you are ready for a year full of change (except for change in the love of beer)

Andy D, Jen B, Brendan B, Mike G, Gabriel T, Beth F, Katie O, Justin K, Jake W, Amelia H, John A

To our fallen comrades in Iraq and Afghanistan who will not have the opportunity to drink with us once more.

Tonight is Best Label Night (make you own criteria for 'best').  The beers submitted were (votes received are indicated in parentheses):

Vote results
Breakfast Stout by Founder's Brewery (2)
Doggie Style by Flying Dog Brewery (0)
Gumballhead by Three Floyd's Brewery (1)
Pride and Joy by Three Floyd's Brewery (0)
Turbock by Brouwerij 't IJ (1)
The Lost Abbey by Avant Garde Ale (2)
Moloko Milk Stout by Three Floyd's Brewery (1)
Cuvee 1 by Southern Tier (1)
Brother Theolonius by North Coast Brewing Company (3)
Brise-BonBons by Fantome Brewery (0)
Piraat Ale by Br. Van Steenberge (0)
Delirium Tremens by Family Brewery Huyghe (0)

Winner: Jake W.

Additional Taste Vote (it's not like these were counted, by they were just recorded for posterity)
Breakfast Stout by Founder's Brewery (3)
Doggie Style by Flying Dog Brewery (0)
Gumballhead by Three Floyd's Brewery (0)
Pride and Joy by Three Floyd's Brewery (0)
Turbock by Brouwerij 't IJ (0)
The Lost Abbey by Avant Garde Ale (0)
Moloko Milk Stout by Three Floyd's Brewery (1)
Cuvee 1 by Southern Tier (2) 
Brother Theolonius by North Coast Brewing Company (2)
Brise-BonBons by Fantome Brewery (0)
Piraat Ale by Br. Van Steenberge (3)
Delirium Tremens by Family Brewery Huyghe (0)

On a runoff:

Founder's Breakfast Stout:  an obvious majority.  There was no need for further counting.
Piraat Ale

Quotes from the night

"Patrick L., you know who you are." - Ms. O.
"Most people drink because they're depressed."  - Mr. T.
"Hey, I lived in Rhode Island and I loved it!" - Ms. B.


- The Beer Club

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Prost to the Punctilious Porters!

First and foremost:  If you want to attend beer club you must bring a beer.  Period.  If not, you will sent out to purchase a beer.  Regardless of temperature.  Seriously.  (On a side note:  It is highly encouraged to bring beers that are new, unusual, or non-typical to add to the sharing of knowledge and new experiences.)

Thoung L., John B., Andy G., Amelia H., Joy D., Brandon V., Katrina A., John A., Mike P., Katie O.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip and Turkey Soup (yes, sound a little weird together but were both wholly awesome) provided by Beth F.  Hooray!  Thanks Beth!

Tonight is Porter Night.  The beers submitted were (votes received are indicated in parentheses):

Vote results
Edmund Fitzgerald by Great Lakes Brewery Brewing Co. (3)
Porter by Bell's Brewery (0)
Porter by Anchor Brewery (3)
Fuller's Lond Porter by Griffin Brewery (2)
Silk Porter by Hoppin' Frog Brewery (2)
Mocha Porter by Rogue Brewery (0)
Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout by North Coast Brewing Co. (0)

Run-off vote results
Edmund Fitzgerald by Great Lakes Brewery Brewing Co. (4)
Porter by Anchor Brewery (6)

Winner: John A.

Quotes from the night
"Wacker is the only street in the world that goes north, south, east, west and has an upper and lower."  - Mr. Wacker

"It tasted like ass" - Ms. Minnesota


- The Beer Club

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Porter Night - November 20

Just a heads up that it's porter night this Thursday.

Here's some ideas to get you started:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Endorsement of ILoveBeerClub Blog

As co-presidente of Beer Club, I support and endorse this blog. I'd also like to dedicate this great and mighty blog with a quote I picked up on a recent BC adventure:

More than 6,000 years ago the refreshing qualities of beer were recognized and enjoyed, and ancient peoples have left evidence to indicate that they took the brewing of this thirst-quenching beverage very seriously....When today's beer drinkers lift a frosty mug of their favorite brew, they can do so knowing that they are in good company, sharing a kinship with pharaohs, kings, queens, statesmen, literary giants, and explorers.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome to Beer Club

This is a blog for people that love beer, friends, and fun.  Created to chronicle the adventures of Beer Club and inspire others to get together and share good drink.  
